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  • ➕☁️ Unveiling IBM Cloud Terraform Provider Integration

    Enrich Your Cloud Management Journey Transition from traditional methods to an intuitive, visual interface for managing IBM Cloud infrastructure using Terraform, backed by Brainboard's integration. Holistic Infrastructure Management Delve into managing compute instances, networks, storage volumes and more on IBM Cloud with Terraform configurations, augmenting your control over cloud resources. Seamless Provisioning and Management The integration facilitates easy provisioning and management, ensuring a smooth, visual experience for users familiar with IBM Cloud and Terraform. Access Advanced IBM Cloud Features Unleash the potential of IBM Cloud's advanced features including virtual servers, storage, and databases, enhancing flexibility and improving the overall cloud management experience.

    Status: Need your opinion 🕵️‍♀️

    Stephane Boghossian edited 6 months ago Current version
  • ➕☁️ Terraform Provider: IBM Cloud

    Terraform Provider: IBM Cloud is a plugin for the Terraform infrastructure as code tool that allows users to manage their infrastructure on IBM Cloud, which is a collection of cloud computing services from IBM. The provider provides a set of Terraform resources that map to IBM Cloud services and objects, such as compute instances, networks, and storage volumes. With the IBM Cloud provider, users can write Terraform configurations that define their infrastructure and then use Terraform to create, update, and delete those resources on IBM Cloud. The future integration of Brainboard with Terraform Provider: IBM Cloud, in addition to its current support for AWS, GCP, OCI, and Azure, will allow users to use Terraform to provision and manage their IBM Cloud infrastructure using a visual interface. This can help users who are more familiar with IBM Cloud to use Terraform to define their infrastructure and manage it with Brainboard. The integration will also provide access to IBM Cloud's advanced features such as virtual servers, storage, and databases. This will give users more flexibility in choosing the best tool for their specific use case and improve the overall experience.

    Status: Need your opinion 🕵️‍♀️

    Stephane Boghossian edited 6 months ago
  • Terraform Provider: IBM Cloud

    Status: Need your opinion 🕵️‍♀️

    Stephane Boghossian edited over 1 year ago
  • Terraform Provider: IBM Cloud

    Status: Not set

    Stephane Boghossian edited about 2 years ago