🐞 Bug Fixes
over 2 years ago

🐞 W34 Updates

The following bugs were fixed: 
  • Fixed: When I delete my current architecture, the interface freezes / infinite loop with error in console
  • Fixed: When I add an Azure virtual network for e.g. and I remove a chip from tags, the interface resets, the code generated is completely broken and I have no way to open the resource again to fix it.
  • Fixed: We can’t change the selected TF file to another one (other group tf file, variables, outputs, …)
  • Fixed: When a user configure a block (set) then deletes all the value the block is generated empty. 
  • Fixed: Subnet IDs double added
  • Fixed: Automatically generate the connectors between resources when I reference an existing resource.
  • Fixed: when I connect, it shows the owner as an extra user
  • Fixed: With some attribute type like SelectList (array), changes do not trigger the TF code refresh
  • Fixed: Sign up page on Safari browser 
  • Fixed: In the README modal, the save button doesn’t work at all, so if I write content it is automatically saved and there is no need for this button.